
It’s been a while!

A lot has happened since I last posted over two years ago. Even more has happened since January 2009, when I last regularly posted.

In that time I have:

  • Finished up my time as a college minister and transitioned into new ministry roles surrounding discipleship, prayer, and outreach to people in need
  • Relearned Spanish
  • Visited 14 countries for the first time
  • Visited 8 states for at least a day
  • Managed more than $2.1 million of commercial construction
  • Built a closet to turn my 3 bedroom house into a 4 bedroom
  • Reconnected with old friends, made new friends, and seen friends move on
  • Become a dog owner

All I can say is that despite these highlights, it has been a roller coaster of time. I’m more convinced than ever that God is not safe, but He is good. When you let go and let God, you never know where you’ll end up.