General Virginia Tech

DONE with another semester!

I’m done with another semester! Just one more to go!

I’m also done with my Christmas shopping and my Christmas wrapping.

Boy does it feel good to be DONE.

I’m hoping to get back into a more regular blogging schedule, now that my life has some sense of normality again.


This is the most interesting music video ever

You have to watch the whole thing for the whole effect.



Wow, I suck at posting

I haven’t been doing a good job of posting.  I’m working to get back into the swing of blogging, but for now, let me say happy thanksgiving!

Faith Politics

Stolen post: I can’t believe they wrapped Jesus in an American flag

Jesus flagThis is one of the best political posts I’ve read in a long time.

Courtesy of History in the Making.

I can’t tell you how many e-mails I got before Tuesday about the Christian values at stake in this election. The calls to prayer… the passionate pleas to mobilize our congregation… I haven’t heard from those people since.

This is a dangerous post for me to write, but I think it might be good for us to be ‘losers’ in the political arena for a while…

…Just in case we got the idea we could legislate our way to a transformed culture. ~ Just in case we aligned the church with a particular political party. ~ Just in case we mistook the USA for that city shining on a hill… rather than the Church of Jesus Christ.

I’m afraid people have associated the movement of Christ a little too closely with a political agenda. And it’s killing the church. It would be highly beneficial in our ‘Daily-Show-culture’ for us to be stripped of any political influence until we can learn to rely on Christ for cultural transformation. We cannot legislate our way to a revival.


First night at the prayer room

Prayer RoomToday, we officially opened the vtONE Prayer Room. The first half hour served as our time to dedicate the room to prayer. We had nine people (about the limit of what the prayer room can hold) come to the dedication. I’m excited about the prayer room and how God is going to use this place to impact Virginia Tech.

God has big things in store for our campus, but we’re not going to see big things happen here unless we are asking for them and believing that God will deliver. Let’s dare to imagine a day when the entire campus is part of God’s kingdom.

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21 (NLT)


Sick of the Rhetoric

I have a love-hate relationship with politics.  It’s stuff like this that makes me hate politics:

SUGAR LAND, Tex., Oct. 30 — President Bush said terrorists will win if Democrats win and impose their policies on Iraq, as he and Vice President Cheney escalated their rhetoric Monday in an effort to turn out Republican voters in next week’s midterm elections. (via Washington Post)

Regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, that’s an outrageous statement to make.  In essence, Bush is accusing the democrats of being in alliance with terrorists.  I don’t care how different their plans are from his, but I’m confident that the democrats are not in alliance with terrorists. I’m not going to declare that the democrats are saints, but I’m not surprised that democrats are on the verge of taking over congress.
I’d like to think that most people can see through shoddy political rhetoric.  My brain hurts.

Sports Virginia Tech

It’s starting to feel like fall in Blacksburg

Hokie VictoryAnd we had our first night game tonight. It’s very chilly now (39 degrees), but it was worth the cold to play at night. Plus, the trees are turning colors.

I’m also going to withdraw from Operating Systems. Praying that we can get Embedded System Design to count as an equivalent course so we never have to take OS again.

General Photography Virginia Tech

Pictures from my Sabbath over the long weekend

In the next week, I have three projects due, a test, a testing plan (think paper), and a quiz on top of my regular homework.  I won’t be updating this week, so I figured I’d make a quick post and share some pictures from this past weekend and my Sabbath.

Sherry Memorial Christian Church in Newport, VA  Old fashion stained glass clock in downtown Roanoke  Cool reflection of a building in downtown Roanoke

Faith General Resources of Note

Update to podcasts index

A little while ago when I made a list of podcasts I listen to, I had two podcasts on my wish list.  Well, it seems that John McGowan has pulled together a podcast of his Gathering messages.  The first one is up now, but I haven’t had the opportunity to check it out yet.  This podcast is bound to become one of my must listens, so I feel safe recommending it before trying it out.
Podcast link

Faith General Resources of Note

Podcasts I keep up with

iPodBefore I jump into the podcasts I listen to, I’m going to describe how I use podcasts. First, my podcasts currently fall into two categories: things that I want to learn about and things that help me escape. Essentially, you could call these categories “educational” and “just for fun.” An interesting note is that currently all of my educational podcasts are audio and all my just for fun podcasts are video.

I listen to audio podcasts at home and in the car. I have three audio podcasts that I generally try to keep up with all the time. The other podcasts I like to follow are saved for as time allows. I find that listening to a good podcast makes a car trip go faster than listening to music, so these podcasts keep me company when I’m on the open road.

Click on the name to get the subscribe link.

Here’s the list of audio podcasts in order of listening priority:

  • NLCF at Virginia Tech
    This podcast is the top of my list, but deceptively so. I don’t keep up with it over most summers and only listen if I’ve been out of town for a Sunday and we’re in a multi-part series.
  • McLean Bible Church
    I listen to this podcast every week. Lon Solomon, the senior pastor of McLean Bible Church is the regular speaker. While I consider MBC my home church, Lon and I disagree on some theological issues (Lon is a dispensationalist, I am not), so some of his sermons have me reaching for my Bible and digging deeper, looking at whether I should agree with him or not. Lon is an outstanding speaker, and I’ve adopted some elements of his style into my speaking. Also, the other speakers are a diverse and top notch crowd.
  • GodPod
    A podcast from Saint Paul’s Theological Centre at Holy Trinity Brompton in the UK. The podcast is hosted by Graham Tomlin (Author of The Provocative Church–a must read), Jane Williams (theologian and wife of the Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Anglican communion), and Mike Lloyd. People email theological questions to GodPod, which are answered by the hosts in a panel fashion. This podcast is unquestionably Anglican and surprisingly charismatic.

  • Frontline Podcasts
    The young adults church within a church at MBC. I know several of the frontline staff, and I’m an active part of frontline when I’m in the DC area. The current team structure at vtONE borrowed largely from how the frontline team is set up. Teaching pastor Todd Philips is the primary speaker, with frequent appearances by worship pastor Will Pavone and college pastor John McGowan. Solid teaching that ranges from dispensational to Calvinist.

  • Kairos Los Angeles Live
    Kairos is an inner city church planted by JR Woodward, who also planted NLCF. JR is huge on the kingdom of God. He’s constantly focusing on how we can bring more of God’s shalom to our immediate surroundings. I don’t listen to every message on this podcast, but try to catch up on most of the ones that JR gave when I’m traveling in the car. Warning: these messages tend to be close to an hour long. JR is postmodern, yet orthodox.

Here’s a wish list of podcasts:

  • The Gathering
    John McGowan is an outstanding speaker who never fails to challenge me through his teachings. He is one of the people that I know who best understands what college ministry should be. I’d be a weekly listener if his current teachings were available online.
    UPDATE: John is now podcasting!  Click the link above to subscribe.
  • NorthPoint Community Church
    Andy Stanley knows how to preach in order to change lives. NorthPoint is also full of other outstanding communicators: Louie Giglio and Tim Elmore come to mind. Too bad that NorthPoint only sells or streams their teachings.

Here’s a list of video podcasts:

  • Strongbad emails and more
    Homestarrunner stuff, mainly the Strongbad emails. What more can I say? Fhwbgads.
  • Ask a Ninja
    People write in and ask a ninja questions. Usually very random. Sometimes barely funny, other times you fall out of your seat from laughing.
  • Hope is Emo
    From the creators of Ask a Ninja. On the verge of getting dropped, since I don’t find most of them funny. A relatively new podcast that I thought might go somewhere, but has been getting worse instead of better.